Thursday 11 March 2010

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task, I worked in a group with Ian Beattie and Jemma Barclay, the two other people i ended up working with for our final task of filming a thriller opening. The remaining person in the group was Sam Hammond, another boy in our media class.

The point of the preliminary task was to teach us to work in a group and co-operate with each other. It was also to help us understand and learn to properly use the camera equipment, this was highly beneficial as apart from Sam, it was our first time using a tripod and proper camera. The preliminary task was an introduction to using the editing facilities on iMovie also, however because there was 4 of us, it was quite difficult to manage the editing out equally.

We did not have a long time to plan out our preliminary task as it was merely an introduction to using things, so this meant our plot was not quite in depth as it could have been. However, we ended up with a woman (played by me) suffering from an alcohol addiction which is furthered by her son being taken away by the Social Services. The preliminary task shows myself talking to a psychiatrist (Ian) about my problem.

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