Thursday 11 March 2010

Sub Genres of the Thriller genre

Crime Thriller
A story full of tension and suspense that most often focuses around the criminal rather than the authoritative figure such as a policeman. These types of thrillers often have certain psychological aspects to them also. Films that fall under this sub genre are films such as the 1995 film 'Se7en' starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt.

Action Thriller
Action thrillers often feature chases or 'race against the clock' situations in which the character has a limited amount of time to complete a certain 'task' before the 'consequences'. Action thrillers most often include a high level of violence revolving round things like guns, explosions and other weapons. The James Bond films fall under this sub genre.

Drama Thriller
Drama thrillers are less fast paced compared to action thrillers and focus more in depth on the character, revealing a lot about their character. Drama thrillers often have a 'twist' at the end of the film about the character, to shock the audience.

Disaster Thriller
These mainly include natural or man-made disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic erruptions or nuclear bombs. These films often suggest a doomsday type of ending. 'The Day After Tomorrow' staring Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhal is a type of film that falls under this sub genre.

Religious Thriller

This type of film has a heavy focus on biblical references and stays close to the themes of religion, often using religious characters and script. 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Angles and Demons' are two films that fall under this sub genre. They were originally two bestselling books written by world renown author 'Dan Brown'.

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